In view of the German elections of the Federal Parliament on Sunday the main candidates clarified their positions: Chancellor Angela Merkels’s speech was as so often disturbed by whistling right wing partisans, but countered them: ,Whistling and roar can’t shape the future’. She will care in future about family politics, tax reductions, invest into education and the extension of the digitization. Her main rival candidate Martin Schulz accused Mr. Merkel of social coldness and denoted the right-wing party an enemy of the democracy. The president of the AfD and his party underlined their intention ,to remove the waste of Mrs. Merkel’s government without residues’. 79 % of the Germans regard AfD and its targets right-wing extremist. The president of the Liberals, FDP, Christian Lindner, will strengthen the democratic center, the Greens advertised an ecological programme and the Left party is against later pensions for 70 years-old people.