BSDA 2018 – Cyber Defense Pavilion Launched
In an environment of increasing uncertainty of the Eastern border of NATO, the goverment of Romania has announced increased defense spending and most experts see that this situation is likely to continue for a long time into the foreseeable future.
In a recent developement, the Romanian Chief of Armed Forces has announced the establishment of a Cyber Defense Commandment which he wants in place in early 2018.
The 7th edition of BSDA 2018 is being held from May 16-18, 2018 in Bucharest, Romania, and is the right place to be for meeting the decision makers from the Black Sea and Eastern Europe Region. For those companies involved in Cyber Security, for the first time, the BSDA exhibition will feature a dedicated Cyber Defense pavilion.
BSDA is the largest tri-service aerospace, defense and security exhibition in Black Sea region, being held in Bucharest, Romania and is supported by the Romanian Ministry of National Defense. The previous edition held in May 2016 hosted 217 exhibitors from 24 countries and more than 20,000 visitors from over 40 countries.